Open the collision detection (CD) module. If the bitmap legend shows up
in the white area, the CD bitmap is loaded OK. Click
stretch to see
the whole map.
You may choose another folder to place data files if Windows
does not allow to write to
program files folder.
Note that VRTool itself does not write any data to that folder.
When Weather routing fails with 0 NM, usual causes are:
* No wind is loaded in the starting point ( or the starting point is
so close to wind grid border that interpolation is not possible ).
* Starting point is too close to the land ( as to be considered
a land collision ) . Pick a starting point in the sea.
* The direction between the end-points is so obstructed with land
that no route can be found to satisfy the geometrical constraints.
Use more aggressive WR settings or select points more likely to
see (or at least hear) each other. Current code will not sail out of a maze
* Polar data file missing or mis-configured.
All data must be there...