date: 23/sep/2021
* Navigator for Windows - version 11.0
* VRTool for Windows - version 4.0
* OPYC for Windows - version 3.5
VRTool and Navigator
Recently NOAA NOMAD revised the GFS weather forecast access rules.
That broke parts of the "weather forecast" functionality in apps VRTool and Navigator.
To fix that the software had to be modernized and converted to new devices and OS.
Some other changes followed.
Navigator app previously included all VRTool chart functionality,
plus celestial navigation modules, star finder and almanac builder.
I have merged the 2 packages, which now have the same set of features.
Navigator electronic version (download) is now free.
VRTool gained all the celestial navigation calculators.
The two software personalities will continue to exist for now.
VRTool is known to the virtual sailing community.
And Navigator to celestial navigation guys.
After all, this "Navigator" is older than the Netscape Navigator

The NOAA GFS download module was updated to conform with
maximum simultaneous download limit pf 120 files/minute.
Previous version exceeded the limits for large downloads.
Download links: Basic registration required
Use these links to install for the first time or update.
* Navigator: https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/download
* VRTool: https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/vrtool/download
website: https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/
OPYC is a sailing simulation using physics.
It uses Box2D library to model wind, sails, waves, wet surfaces...
The original 2D interface now gained a 3D view,
with dynamic ocean surface and sail movements.
The OPYC 3D view is still a work in progress,
and is only available on the Windows version.
Mobile versions will follow, if I can tame CPU usage.
It has a boat model with rotating boom,
sail cloth that moves with the 2D physics simulation.
Dynamic sea surface w/ configurable wave system. Random waves.
Configurable camera ( azimuth, elevation, view angle )
OPYC Download link - Basic registration required
Use this link to install for the first time or update.
OPYC: https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/opyc/download
website: https://www.tecepe.com.br/nav/opyc/