em79 wrote:.."weather routing"..VRTOOL plante..
Still some problems... Here it is working fine in two test machines
( a 4GB/4core Xeon/Vista and a small 1GB/Atom/XP netbook )
To help me fix that, I need detailled test data for crash conditions.
Unfortunatelly, it is difficult to reproduce the same conditions
in the case of weather routing
Test data desired:
-Winds XML - save it in vrtool format
-Time of calculation in relation to wind change time (i.e. wind age)
-WR start and destination Lat/Lon
-Weather routing parameters (isochrone, branches, angles, recursion etc)
-Machine spec: processor/memory/
Windows version
Please send the data package as a private forum message.
Regarding grib files, I have no clue why vrtool grib imports
do not match vr game winds. What I'm doing is taking
grib data (probing with degrib) for two times of the day
(6:00 and 18:00 defaults), converting windspeeds to km/h
and rounding to integer values then converting back to knts.
Seems to work sometimes, not other. May be the kind of probing
done by degrib is not the same used in the game.
I have tested using
bzip2 to unzip compressed
zyGrib grb.bz2 files
before importing to vrtool. Works fine.
bzip2 and zyGrib are freewares and can
be downloaded from:
http://www.bzip.org/ )
http://www.zygrib.org/ )