I'm exausted in trying to make this SW works on my PC! the last version I have been used (v.1.90) was perfectly runnig; since the v.1.97 , I'm not any more able to use VRTOOL!!!!!. Once I fixed the wind upload problem yesterday, i tryied to display tracks; actually, a short track appeared for my boat, plus 2 more close to it I did not of whom or why and later on no ways to have it updated nor the full track imported. the same for the friends listed on the tracks tab. also, 4 my boats were displayed while I'm using only 3 (starsfighter I, II, III) . So I defintely shut off the sw. to day, i reconfigured the desktop file and I wrote once more again my boat name; and it appeared correctly. but no boat image nor tracks were displayed, despite all the relvant boxes in the boat and track tabs were checked; nor it was possibile to display the dotted line with the track-design tool ! .
I wonder if its a Antiviurs or cookie or safety or popup block setting of my PC (i' m using Avast AV - free version.) that cause such a random mulfunctions: but really, after having removed and reinstalled al least 10 times the software and having followed closely all the tutorials, i almost on the point of giving up with VRTool !!
I appreciate anyone could give me any clue to solve this mistery.