Difficult weather routing. Make sure you don't screw with parameters
for Vendée I'm using:
polars winds: NOAA game winds in the background, with 1 vrtoutoulz
early wind grid in close range
( vrtoutoulz follows the game winds better, so make sure Ricoo's wind is on top.
180h seems to be enough. To get the full 384h you have to wait too much.
WR module params:
isochrone interval=1h up to= [12,24,72,120,384... whatever your horizon]
# of branches=15 to 17
angle to the destination=100
wake angle=35
Isochrone spacing=1%
[x]collision detection (you may check this off, for faster calculation in blue waters)
[x] branch tracks at isochrones (every hour in this case)
[x] branch tracks at degree boundaries (30')
Note that number of branches param is
smaller for VR than last VORG's.
The discreet metric of the wind field (i.e. boxy winds) generates much more action points..
Another comment: This
branch at isochrones generates a lot of course changes.
Draw a simpler track over it for your sanity...