Hello all,
It is said in several places to use the standard polars instead of the full one when using the weather routing module of VRTOOL.
For the Cap-Istanbul race, I configured VRTOOL (ver. 1.94) with the full version on the polars : http://www.estceouvert.com/vrtoutoulz/polars/vrt_full/capistanbul_pro-full.csv.
I placed above 2 images of my routing module configuration.
I asked for the best track to south Sardaigna.
It seems to work fine with the full version of polars.
Is it mandatory to use the standard one ?
Still, I can't make this module work when sailing so close to the wind that tacking is necessary.
The track designed by the routing module avoid tacking and goes at 5° from the wind.
Thanks for helping.