Tracks Tab
The following control panels are on the Tracks tab:
Tracks and Routes
Use the Track & Routes control panel to manage the tracks and routes on the chart.The controls on the panel are self-explanatory - you can play with them as you like to alter the way the tracks and routes are displayed.
The blue window lists all the tracks and routes on the chart. New items are added to the bottom of the list. Use the X buttons in to hide items you don't want to see.
There are some default names produced by the various modules:
- WR_best - best tracks produced by the Weather Routing module.
- WR_Isochrones - isochrone sets produced by the Weather Routing module.
- TR_(boatname) - The track of a boat imported by the Firefox cache module.
- Track(n) - A track drawn using the Track tool.
- T_Track(n) - A copy of the same track with marks added using the Mark Track button.
To rename an item to something more meaningful select it in the window and then edit the name in the Track: box below.
As you work the number of tracks and routes increases quickly. You should do regular housekeeping to keep the database tidy. Because there is no requirement for unique names it is a good idea to first hide any items you intend to delete, before actually deleting them. There is no undelete.