Winds Tab

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TabWinds.gif The following control panels are on the Winds tab:


The controls on this panel manage the appearance of the winds on the chart. There is nothing here that affects routing or track calculations, so you can safely experiment as you like to find out what each control does. The example settings shown here will give you a simple display of wind speed and direction with minimum clutter.

If you set the Wind arrow in scale control to [1] the wind displayed wind arrows will have a length equal to the distance you will travel in one hour.

The two Wind filters options allow you to sow or hide wind data according to how strong the wind is. If you set the show tws >= to say [5] then all the winds less then 5 knots will be blanked out in the display. This is useful for highlighting holes in the wind that you need to avoid.


The wind values shown on the chart are those taken from the Grib files, which are at 1° intervals only. Remember that the VORG uses interpolated winds, so the wind speed and direction both vary linearly between these 1° points. You can see this as you move Ruler ToolbarRuler.gif, Route ToolbarRoute.gif, and Tracks ToolbarTracks.gif tools over the chart.

Wind Grids


Polars Database


Regatta Settings


Wind Interpolation
